Marketing Hybrid Event Marketing

Hybrid Events are the kinds of events which give options to its audience of attending the event in-person or virtually. This not only gives a greater attendance but also provides a lot of diversity amongst the attendees. On one hand, the online reach enables the organizers to reach masses and on the other hand, in person events give a “Tangible” experience to the audience. To begin with, it’s important to understand what the audience perceives from each of the two options.

Attendees’ Expectations from an in-person event

Attendees in an in-person form of attending have an additional perk of networking and interacting with each other. In such cases, attendees establish a more tactile and in-depth relationship with the hosts, organizers etc. In case of a recurring event, like a workshop, your online audience may want to convert to an in-person once a while, not only to interact but also for change of scenery and routine. It could, of course, work vice-versa as well. On the basis of experience and value perceived by such attendees, your content strategy and pricing would vary.

Attendees’ Expectations from and online event

Attendees considering an online event over an in-person event would do so due to – Time constraints, geographical limitations, safety concerns (especially in current, Pandemic Situation), costs etc.
The organizers must take into consideration that even Virtual Attendees need to be engaged. This must be done by providing an access to “chat-box” to the speakers/hosts so that they can cater to the questions, suggestions and answers from the virtual attendees. This also gives the virtual attendees a chance to interact with one another.

Virtual events

Planning an event virtually takes effort to deliver the same value and a similar experience compared to in-person events. Virtual events are more accessible for a larger number of audiences. During this pandemic, the demand for virtual events is inevitably high. For virtual events to be successful targeting specific focal points is necessary.
Targeting lightly engaging audiences, focusing on superior positioned people or selecting people from the same company will boost the quality as well as engagement of your virtual event.

Turning visitors into registrants

A well-established event organization must make sure it performs its marketing activities efficiently. For this, it may need good PR strategies, reaching out to people through ads, social media and websites.
On the event day, the organizers should cater to the visitors who wish to register for the event. These are the walk-ins and the PR managers must inform them about the event, or rather sell them the event.
With respect to website visits, a sound form of digital marketing plays an important role in converting those visitors into registrants.

Matching the right attendee to the right experience

For your event to be your unique selling point of the business, its hybrid nature plays a very important role. The choice of selecting between in- person attendee or a virtual attendee is an important one but for your hybrid event to succeed, in-person participation is necessary. It is hence mandatory to target the right audience for the right experience.
The high-engagement rate attendees should give priority to in-person attendance keeping in mind the external factors such as travel flexibility, budget restrictions and venue capacity. Hence a well-researched list of in-person as well as virtual attendees is helpful.
To get a highest value in-person audience to your event, setting up a team for email & calling campaigns to better reach the person would help achieve the best value proposition of the right attendee with the right experience.

How can an event organizer build a quality hybrid event?

In case you happen to be an Entrepreneur whose business does not necessarily specialize in organizing events, it’s a safe option to outsource event organization to an event management firm. For an instance, Events and Meetings specialize in organizing events – online, in-person and Hybrid events
Having one single event with 2 different experiences is a perfect marketing strategy where you will give the audience the option to choose from by making in-person and virtual event information available. This can be done primarily by building an engaging event website. This website will help the audience follow the path of the event such as the agenda, motive, deliverables and valuable outcomes of the event.
Along with the detailed website built for your hybrid event, it is necessary to put forth the comparison of in-person and virtual events to your attendees such as what your virtual event experience will look like or what you will take back through the in-person attendance for the event.
When conducting a hybrid event, it is vital to deliver the exact information and provide an equally valuable experience in both types of participation. Being consistent in both the types will make the event one with two different yet same value experiences
Hybrid events have hence proved to be of convenience to a majority of the audience reaching a wider market and delivering dual experience with a single event. Thus, Hybrid events is a perfect option with booming digitalization for maximum attendance.

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