Venue Sourcing

subtitle star 1Search, Management & Diagramming

Venue Sourcing​

E&M works as your planner team's extension, our sourcing experts share strategic advice and existing research data for over 300K properties using all major tools available. We do the heavy lifting of reaching out to properties, sending & negotiating eRFP’s, track negotiated rates & manage the whole process of finalising the venue. We help the planning & stakeholder team get a bird eye view of spends and savings using our extensive reporting analysis on tools like Cvent, Aventri & Groups360.

Venue Research

RFP Management

Venue Diagramming

Just create us as an user within your instance & we optimise it for you.

Our expertise using tools like SocialTables & Networktables enable us to help the planning team design event & seating layouts for almost every venue. In an effort towards safe and sustainable events, we use your organisation’s safety guidelines to design stage settings, VIP arrangements & seating plans for the event.